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I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
~ Psalm 32:8 ESV
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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the decisions you face every day? Do you find yourself at a crossroads, wondering if persevering through challenges is truly worth it? If your heart whispers "yes" but your circumstances scream "quit," then my Pause & Pray workshop is designed just for you.

This transformative online workshop is your sanctuary for finding clarity and strength. I understand the battles you're fighting. The external pressures. The internal turmoil. The voices that tell you it's easier to just give up. But here, we gather not only to question, "Is quitting really an option?" but to discover the profound power of staying the course, fueled by wisdom rather than whim.

Through quiet and trust, I guide you through the process of "leaning into Jesus as your strength". In prayer, journaling, study of the Scriptures, introspection, evaluation, and consideration, I journey alongside you to discover the source of your frustrations and disappointments. 

If you are ready to halt the spiral of emotions and chaos for a moment, join me on this 5-Day Pause & Pray. 

What You'll Gain

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Daily Encouragement

Over a span of five days, you will receive a series of audio talks sent directly to your email. These talks are designed to draw you into a deep journey of reflection and introspection. They aim to spark your thoughts and push you to face the challenging questions about your frustrations and disappointments.


Strategic Prayer Prompts

Praying based on the Bible is key to making sure our prayers match what God wants, by using the Bible as our guide. This practice is powerful in bringing us closer to God, building a relationship based on trust, and following His lead. It gives believers confidence that their prayers align with God's lasting plans.


Decision-making Prompts

Wisdom is the principle thing. Making decisions can be hard, but when we use the Word of God as our guide, we give room for God’s will to flourish in our lives. Making wise decisions that align with the heart of God empowers you to make choices that are not only wise but also enriching to your life and the lives of those around you.

Why Pause & Pray?

Enduring through frustrations and disappointments is a testament to your faith and resilience, reflecting the teachings of perseverance and trust in God's plan. The Bible talks a lot about not giving up when times are hard. James 1:12 tells us, "Blessed is the one who keeps going when times are tough because, after passing through these tough times, that person will get the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." This means that being patient and not giving up quickly during hard times is important, and there's a special reward from God for those who keep pushing through.

Prayer and introspection serve as vital tools in navigating the waters of disappointment and frustration. Philippians 4:6-7 teaches, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Through prayer, we open a line of communication with God, laying our troubles at His feet and seeking His guidance. Introspection, guided by the Holy Spirit, allows us to examine our hearts and motives, aligning our desires with God’s will. This process not only brings clarity and peace but also empowers us to make decisions that are wise and in accordance with God’s plan.

Image by Ryan Moreno

What participants are saying...

We all have grown weary and wanted to quit. The struggle is real but so is God! I thank our Lord that He gives gifts in the body like Ebonie to lead us through tangible steps to pause, pray, and endure with a different heart posture. I love that Ebonie is uniquely equipped to give solutions and not just another speech. Armed with the truth of God’s Word, a calling, love, and a Holy Ghost download on how to have staying power and not throw in the towel, Ebonie walks women through a strategy to face the intimidating giants in their lives through Pause & Pray.

~ D. Adams
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Summer Special

$39.00 Regular Price $49.00
May 1st - September 30th, 2024

Journey with me over the next 5-days to get the Biblical wisdom and insights you need to make decisions according to God's Word and will for your life. 

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